quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

Série Meu Amante Vampiro - Victoria Embers

Livro 1: Conquista
Caroline, um lobisomem e princesa do reino de Ouro, descobriu um novo amor em seu captor vampiro. Ela está disposta a arriscar tudo, até mesmo a sua vida, para provar a ele que o ama e que se esqueceu de todos os outros, incluindo sua família e seu bando.
Livro 2: Redemption
Before Caroline, the werewolf princess, fell for her vampire lover, Raphael, she met him in the Dark realm under difficult circumstances. Raphael's father, the dark lord Asmodeus is killing off her family and presents Caroline as a pet to Raphael. Caroline has secrets of her own and wonders if the vampire willing to help her escape is an enemy or friend. Realizing he must take action, Raphael works quickly to persuade the werewolf beauty who has claimed his heart to leave with him at once if he has a chance of setting her free.

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