Livro 0: Rendendo-se a Escuridão

-Você sabe o que eu sou Trinity? - Ela assentiu com a cabeça, os olhos perdidos no rosto de Basil, - Você realmente sabe o que sou?
- Sim - ela ofegou, seu corpo de repente, ansiava por mais.
- Você me permitirá transformá-la?
- Sim - ela disse sem fôlego.
- Então, a partir de agora você é minha.
Ele puxou suas presas e elas brilhavam na luz das velas. Sim, ela sabia o que ele era, suspeitava desde o início. Ela não sabia porque não se assustava, na verdade ele nunca a assustou. Desde o primeiro momento, que ele havia aparecido em seu quintal, quando ela estava de luto pela perda de sua família, sabia que ele não era um homem comum.
Basil Hawthorne era um vampiro.
Livro 1: Seduzindo a Escuridão
Abandonada pelo seu amante, Trinity Ford aprendeu a viver sozinha... Não era uma coisa fácil de fazer quando você é um vampiro. Trinity uma vez foi uma menina frágil. Mas ser seduzida pelo príncipe dos vampiros mudou sua vida. Descobri-lo nos braços de outra mulher mudou o destino. Sozinha, ela aprendeu rápido como ser forte, como sobreviver, e como proteger as pessoas em sua cidade do mal que se esconde no escuro. Ela estava conseguindo muito bem, até que Basil voltou para sua vida. Basil Hawthorn era o príncipe reinante de vampiros desde o banimento de seu pai para o Reino da Escuridão décadas atrás. Quando um sonho profético o faz perceber que a vida de Trinity está em perigo, ele decide afastá-la de sua vida para protegê-la da pior forma possível. Fazer isso não é fácil. Trinity é a única mulher que ele amou, e sempre amaria, mas ele não conseguia se afastar dela. Quando surgem rumores de um plano para ressuscitar o Rei das trevas, Avatur, e deixar a terra na escuridão, Trinity e Basil farão o possível para evitar essa catástrofe. Mesmo que isso signifique trabalhar juntos. Apesar da traição e das ameaças, eles se encontram atraídos um pelo outro. O amor não tem limites, especialmente em face do perigo. Mas eles serão capazes de interromper o ritual, antes que seja tarde demais? Ou será que a escuridão irá capturá-los?
Livro 2: Desejando a Escuridão

Livro 3: Abraçando a Escuridão

Uma vez Jonah Moore teve tudo.
Então sua esposa e filho ainda em gestação foram tirados dele, deixando a sua vida mais escura do que quando Chaos e seus discípulos roubaram o sol.
Agora, Jonah perdeu a vontade de enfrentar mais um dia, o que poderia ser um problema, considerando que ele acabou de ser transformado em um vampiro e agora está destinado a viver para a eternidade.
Como enfermeira, Raven Moony atendia às necessidades dos outros.
Até que um acidente mudou tudo.
Quando foi raptada e forçada a tender às necessidades de Chaos, ela estava mais do que pronta para se doar e aceita de bom grado o seu papel como escrava.
Então, Jonah entra em cena e ela se encontra lutando por sua segurança e liberdade, como se fosse a sua própria.
Raven pode convencer Jonah a reagir apesar de suas próprias dúvidas?
Eles podem abrir seus corações para o amor e aprender que há de fato vida após a morte?
Livro 4: Encantando a Escuridão

Unlike his twin brother Dante, Daniel Vega had never been comfortable as a human. When he was offered eternal life as a vampire, he turned his back on his family and welcomed the darkness. All was well until Chaos, the one man Danny thought he could always count on, went missing. Now, shunned by his own kind, it seems that leaving Jacob’s Cove is his only option. Until he crashes into a high-spirited redhead…Born from witches, Starla Raine has spent her entire life learning to control and manage her powers. Then she discovers and is drawn to Jacob’s Cove, a city magically cloaked in darkness. When Starla runs into Daniel Vega, a man connected to the infamous spell, she knows just what to do. Hold him hostage and, using any means possible, convince him to give her what she wants.Soon, the two forge an unlikely partnership and a bargain is struck. Danny agrees to help Starla find the ritual, but only if she’ll work with him to locate Chaos. At first he doesn’t mind using her magical abilities, or her body, for his own gain. Sex is just sex, after all… until someone’s heart gets in the way.
Livro 5: Tentando a Escuridão

For twenty long years, Cooper Hawthorne has kept the brightest light in his bleak existence a deeply hidden secret. All this time, his beloved Gabriella has slept safely in cryogenic stasis, awaiting the day he finds a cure for her terminal cancer.
As love blooms amidst the Darkness, and still no cure in sight, loneliness drives Cooper to drastic measures. He awakens Gabriella and breaks his last promise to her—by turning her into a vampire.
Gabriella’s sense of betrayal weighs heavily on her attempts to deal with what Cooper has done to her. Pushing him away, she turns to his friends for support—and finds she isn’t the only one hurt by his actions.
Cooper fights the temptation to use his powers to wipe her mind of the damning memories. But, when he comes face to face with the monster that created him, he knows what he must do.
Will Gabriella be able to save him before it’s too late? Or will the Darkness swallow him whole.
Livro 6: Penetrando a Escuridão

Felicity Hawthorne is finally waking up—literally. Everything about her sheltered life in the Land of Mystics has been a lie, including the whopper that her natural mother is evil. Determined to find the truth, she breaks free…and touches down in the middle of stark, cold Jacob’s Cove, surrounded by a pack of bloodthirsty demons.Dusty Ryder didn’t ask to be turned into a vampire. Even now, on the brink of his unwilling initiation, he is looking for a way out. A reprieve comes in the form of a dark-haired goddess whose beauty drives him to rescue her from his new “family”. Except she’s not quite as helpless as she looks.As they embark on a journey of self-discovery, they uncover more secrets that bring Felicity face to face with her forgotten past—and make Dusty wonder if he’s gotten in over his head. But it’s too late. Now that he’s had her in his arms, he can’t bring himself to let her go.Until Chaos rains down on them, threatening to end it all.
Livro 7: Consumindo a Escuridão

In Jacob’s Cove, where death is as common as apple pie, a serial murderer is a first. Lieutenant Sienna Storm, the town’s newly minted homicide detective, is eager to prove she’s up to the job of tracking down the demon who rips out his victims’ still-beating hearts. Even if it means using her innate ability to connect with him through his blood.Detective Nathan Powers lost his partner to the aptly named Heartless Killer, and the trail of bodies leads him straight to Jacob’s Cove. However, this is no typical small town. It’s a strange world populated with bloodthirsty demons and run by a vampire. Still, the leggy blonde Sienna is a pleasant distraction. Until he discovers she’s after the same killer—and she’s not sharing.Minds clash as the hunt intensifies, but the more they run into each other, the harder it is to stay apart. Together they discover not only clues, but a searing need that rises higher by the day.That need may be their downfall when Nathan becomes the killer’s next target, and Sienna must risk everything to get him back.
Livro 8: Sobrevivendo à Escuridão

When death is on your trail, the only thing you can do is run.Heading home to Jacob’s Cove after her abductor is released from jail, concert pianist Deborah Carmichael just wants to find some peace. What she finds is a town run by monsters, and a kind night club owner willing to help her get her self-confidence back. Problem is, he’s a shape shifter and his bar is frequented by demons.Owner of the Demon’s Lair, Zachary Adams has had to deal with all sorts of evil. Hearing about Deborah’s horrifying ordeal, breaks his heart and he is determined to help her overcome it as best he can. But as the two grow closer, someone is lurking in the shadows. When Deborah is abducted again, Zach is willing to do anything to get her back.Will he be able to save her before it’s too late?
Então sua esposa e filho ainda em gestação foram tirados dele, deixando a sua vida mais escura do que quando Chaos e seus discípulos roubaram o sol.
Agora, Jonah perdeu a vontade de enfrentar mais um dia, o que poderia ser um problema, considerando que ele acabou de ser transformado em um vampiro e agora está destinado a viver para a eternidade.
Como enfermeira, Raven Moony atendia às necessidades dos outros.
Até que um acidente mudou tudo.
Quando foi raptada e forçada a tender às necessidades de Chaos, ela estava mais do que pronta para se doar e aceita de bom grado o seu papel como escrava.
Então, Jonah entra em cena e ela se encontra lutando por sua segurança e liberdade, como se fosse a sua própria.
Raven pode convencer Jonah a reagir apesar de suas próprias dúvidas?
Eles podem abrir seus corações para o amor e aprender que há de fato vida após a morte?
Livro 4: Encantando a Escuridão

Unlike his twin brother Dante, Daniel Vega had never been comfortable as a human. When he was offered eternal life as a vampire, he turned his back on his family and welcomed the darkness. All was well until Chaos, the one man Danny thought he could always count on, went missing. Now, shunned by his own kind, it seems that leaving Jacob’s Cove is his only option. Until he crashes into a high-spirited redhead…Born from witches, Starla Raine has spent her entire life learning to control and manage her powers. Then she discovers and is drawn to Jacob’s Cove, a city magically cloaked in darkness. When Starla runs into Daniel Vega, a man connected to the infamous spell, she knows just what to do. Hold him hostage and, using any means possible, convince him to give her what she wants.Soon, the two forge an unlikely partnership and a bargain is struck. Danny agrees to help Starla find the ritual, but only if she’ll work with him to locate Chaos. At first he doesn’t mind using her magical abilities, or her body, for his own gain. Sex is just sex, after all… until someone’s heart gets in the way.
Livro 5: Tentando a Escuridão

For twenty long years, Cooper Hawthorne has kept the brightest light in his bleak existence a deeply hidden secret. All this time, his beloved Gabriella has slept safely in cryogenic stasis, awaiting the day he finds a cure for her terminal cancer.
As love blooms amidst the Darkness, and still no cure in sight, loneliness drives Cooper to drastic measures. He awakens Gabriella and breaks his last promise to her—by turning her into a vampire.
Gabriella’s sense of betrayal weighs heavily on her attempts to deal with what Cooper has done to her. Pushing him away, she turns to his friends for support—and finds she isn’t the only one hurt by his actions.
Cooper fights the temptation to use his powers to wipe her mind of the damning memories. But, when he comes face to face with the monster that created him, he knows what he must do.
Will Gabriella be able to save him before it’s too late? Or will the Darkness swallow him whole.
Livro 6: Penetrando a Escuridão

Felicity Hawthorne is finally waking up—literally. Everything about her sheltered life in the Land of Mystics has been a lie, including the whopper that her natural mother is evil. Determined to find the truth, she breaks free…and touches down in the middle of stark, cold Jacob’s Cove, surrounded by a pack of bloodthirsty demons.Dusty Ryder didn’t ask to be turned into a vampire. Even now, on the brink of his unwilling initiation, he is looking for a way out. A reprieve comes in the form of a dark-haired goddess whose beauty drives him to rescue her from his new “family”. Except she’s not quite as helpless as she looks.As they embark on a journey of self-discovery, they uncover more secrets that bring Felicity face to face with her forgotten past—and make Dusty wonder if he’s gotten in over his head. But it’s too late. Now that he’s had her in his arms, he can’t bring himself to let her go.Until Chaos rains down on them, threatening to end it all.
Livro 7: Consumindo a Escuridão

In Jacob’s Cove, where death is as common as apple pie, a serial murderer is a first. Lieutenant Sienna Storm, the town’s newly minted homicide detective, is eager to prove she’s up to the job of tracking down the demon who rips out his victims’ still-beating hearts. Even if it means using her innate ability to connect with him through his blood.Detective Nathan Powers lost his partner to the aptly named Heartless Killer, and the trail of bodies leads him straight to Jacob’s Cove. However, this is no typical small town. It’s a strange world populated with bloodthirsty demons and run by a vampire. Still, the leggy blonde Sienna is a pleasant distraction. Until he discovers she’s after the same killer—and she’s not sharing.Minds clash as the hunt intensifies, but the more they run into each other, the harder it is to stay apart. Together they discover not only clues, but a searing need that rises higher by the day.That need may be their downfall when Nathan becomes the killer’s next target, and Sienna must risk everything to get him back.
Livro 8: Sobrevivendo à Escuridão

When death is on your trail, the only thing you can do is run.Heading home to Jacob’s Cove after her abductor is released from jail, concert pianist Deborah Carmichael just wants to find some peace. What she finds is a town run by monsters, and a kind night club owner willing to help her get her self-confidence back. Problem is, he’s a shape shifter and his bar is frequented by demons.Owner of the Demon’s Lair, Zachary Adams has had to deal with all sorts of evil. Hearing about Deborah’s horrifying ordeal, breaks his heart and he is determined to help her overcome it as best he can. But as the two grow closer, someone is lurking in the shadows. When Deborah is abducted again, Zach is willing to do anything to get her back.Will he be able to save her before it’s too late?
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