terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2015

Série Pyte/Sentinel - R. L. Mathewson

Livro 1: Tall, Dark & Lonely

Quando a mãe que os abandonou anos atrás, de repente aparece e leva-os a New Hampshire, Madison não tem escolha a não ser ir ou perder sua família. Empurrando seus sonhos cada vez mais para longe, ela tenta fazer uma vida para seus irmãos apenas para descobrir que nada está acontecendo da maneira que deveria. É tudo tão confuso. Sua irmã de quinze anos age como uma prostituta mirim. Homens agem de forma estranha ao seu redor. Seu chefe é um idiota real. Ela se sente como uma estranha. Seu melhor amigo acaba por ser um garoto de dezesseis anos e o cara incrivelmente bonito que aluga o quarto ao lado dela não só bagunça o banheiro, toma três banhos por dia, deixando-a com água fria, mas ele também tem um segredo. Um segredo que ela se torna um pouco obcecada em querer descobrir, não importa quantas vezes ela seja advertida para se manter longe.
Detetive Ephraim Williams aprendeu há muito tempo a não mostrar qualquer emoção ou permitir-se se apegar aos seres humanos. Qual foi o ponto? Eles iam e vinham e ele permanece. Desta vez não seria diferente ou foi o que ele pensou. Quando sua senhoria disse-lhe que seus netos estavam se mudando, ele não esperava muito, a não ser continuar ser deixado sozinho. O que ele não esperava era ter que lutar por sede de sangue toda vez que ele sentia o cheiro de sangue de sua vizinha deliciosa ou ser bombardeado com perguntas cada vez que era encurralado. Se isso não é ruim o suficiente, um Mestre de seu passado encontrou-o mais uma vez e está exigindo seu sangue e está disposto a fazer qualquer coisa para obtê-lo, mesmo usando a bela, irritante vizinha que o faz sentir mais do que dor pela primeira vez em séculos.
Livro 2: Without Regret
Chris Williams is used to making sacrifices. For years he's done his duty by his family and his calling as he awaited the one person that was meant for him. When she finally came into his life she was nothing like the woman he'd expected. Instead of being the warrior ready to help him protect his family and the humans under his care he got.....
A computer geek named Isabella, who somehow managed to get her name on every Master's hit list. One minute she admits that she'd made a foolish mistake and the next she's kidnapped, held hostage by a crazy cult who steals her chocolate and she's sure is after her program, a program she has no plans on giving up anytime soon. As she tries to keep her wits about her the sexiest man she's ever seen claims her, only he doesn't seem too happy about it. It's clear that he doesn't want her, but the stubborn man just won't let her go even when it's clear that he may not have a choice.
Livro 3: Tall, Dark & Heartless
He should have left her and never looked back…....
That's not how things played out for Caine, a nearly one thousand year old Pyte, who should have known better. Instead of walking away years ago, he has been watching over the only human who has touched his heart. He stays to protect her, at least that is what he tells himself. When trouble finds her, he knows that he should just cut his losses and walk away, but there is no fighting the hold the child, who has become a woman, has on him. Now they are both paying the price.
Danni knows that she isn’t technically a Sentinel and is putting her life in danger every time she goes out on patrol. She isn't worried, she has a job to do. It is the only thing that matters to her anymore and she isn’t going to let it go without a fight. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t foresee her ex-boyfriend selling her out to a Master, being captured, getting locked up and stuck in a room with the cranky Pyte. The same Pyte that broke her heart years ago and wont stop glaring at her as if their little predicament is all her fault.
Livro 4: Tall, Silent & Lethal
Never again……
Christofer lives by those words while Cloe would rather die by them……..
Too many years living on the run, of always being seen as nothing more than a monster and a freak, has left Christofer cold and distant. He hates his life, his fate, but he’s made promises and nothing on earth will stop him from keeping them….
Except for the woman that invades his world, takes him by surprise, aggravates him, gives him hope and makes him wish that things could be different, but they can’t…….
Not unless he’s willing to risk everything.
Cloe doesn’t need anyone, doesn’t want any complications, but things quickly change when she accepts a job that destroys her world and brings her the one thing that she never thought she’d find again….

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